

The Monte-Carlo Photo Contest is an annual international photography competition open to photographers of all nationalities.

The contest aims to honour the works of the best photographers, discover new and emerging talents and promote the appreciation of photography.

The Monte-Carlo Photo Contest is organised by Il Teatro della Vita – 7, Avenue Saint Roman 98000 – Monaco – Principality of Monaco.

1 – Categories

The 2024 Monte-Carlo International Photo Contest is divided into four categories:

  • Category 1 – Glamour & Beauty
  • Category 2 – Street
  • Category 3 – Landscape
  • Category 4 – Free theme

2 – Duration of the competition

The entry form and digital photographs must be submitted between 1st May and 30th September 2024 by midnight, and the results will be announced on 15th October 2024.

3 – Rules of participation

  1. To participate, each photographer must register on, pay the entry fee according to the categories chosen and follow the instructions for submitting photographs.
  1. For each photo, indicate the title and location. Each entrant photographer may submit a maximum of 3 photos per category.
  2. File format: All files must be digital in JPEG, 8-bit, sRGB or Adobe RGB format, with the longest side at least 1,500 pixels and no more than 3,000 pixels at 300 dpi.
  • The size of each file must not exceed 4MB.
  • Photos with signatures, watermarks and borders will not be accepted in any category.
  • Photos in all categories can be either colour or black and white.
  • Photos Accepted:
    Images created from multiple shots with different exposures (HDR)
    – Images created from multiple shots with different focuses (focus stacking)
    – Images created from multiple shots with different focal lengths (focal blending)
    – Images created from multiple shots taken at different times but in the same place and in a reasonably short period of time (time blending)
    – Images in which post-production has not significantly altered the content of the image (removal of disturbing elements)
    Photos Not accepted:
    – Images generated even partially through generative artificial intelligence tools
    – Composite images created from multiple shots taken in different places

4 – Copyright and disclaimer

Images must be taken by the author.

The entrant guarantees that he/she is the author of the photographs submitted and the sole owner of the rights associated with the image. If recognisable persons appear in the photograph, the author must have obtained their consent and, if the subject is a minor, the consent of the legal representative.

5 – Participation fees

The registration fees are as follows:

  • One category (max 3 photos) euro 20
  • Two or Three categories (max 3 photos per category) euro 20 per category
  • Four categories (max 3 photos per category) euro 50

6 – Jury

The jury is composed of experts in the field of photography:

  • Gabriele Lorenzini – Professional landscape, travel and fine art photographer
  • Rosanna Calò – professional glamour and event photographer
  • Albert Colman – Publisher, TV producer, media consultant
  • Paolo Mosti – Landscape and travel photographer

The jury will meet in person or by video conference to select the winners in each category.

The jury’s decisions regarding the acceptance of photographs and the awarding of prizes are final.

7 – Awards

Category 1 – Glamour & Beauty

– 1st Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy and Monte-Carlo Photo Contest Glamour & Beauty Photographer of the Year diploma
– 2nd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy
– 3rd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy

Category 2 – Street

– 1st Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy and Monte-Carlo Photo Contest Street Photographer of the Year diploma
– 2nd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy
– 3rd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy

Category 3 – Landscapes

– 1st Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest Trophy and Monte-Carlo Photo Contest Landscapes Photographer of the Year diploma
– 2nd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy
– 3rd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy

Category 4 – Free theme

– 1st Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy and Monte-Carlo Photo Contest Free Theme Photographer of the Year diploma
– 2nd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy
– 3rd Prize: Monte-Carlo Photo Contest trophy

The top three winners in each category will also receive downloadable gold, silver and bronze badges and certificates.

All contestants will receive a digital certificate of participation.

8 – Results Announcement and Awards Ceremony

The results of the competition will be published on the competition website and the winners will be contacted individually. The winning photos and photos of the winners will be published on the Monte-Carlo Photo Contest website and social media, as well as in online and print magazines.

The prize-giving ceremony will take place in Monaco on 23 November 2024.

9 – Rights of use

All the images submitted remain the property of the authors; however, by submitting the images as indicated above, the authors implicitly grant the Monte-Carlo Photo Contest the right to publish them on its website or those of other organizations in Monaco, as well as on various social media platforms.

In addition, the authors implicitly grant the Monte-Carlo Photo Contest the right to use the images for exhibitions or events, or in brochures, catalogues, videos, books or any other information or communication related to the Monte-Carlo Photo Contest. There will be no remuneration/compensation for the participants, only the mention of the copyrights.

10 – Obligations

Registration for the Monte-Carlo Photo Contest automatically implies full acceptance of its rules; failure to comply with these rules will result in the cancellation of the registration.

Photographers under the age of 18 must enclose a parent’s or guardian’s authorization when registering. In the absence of such a document, the applicant concerned will not be admitted to the competition.

11 – Content of the photographs

Photographs must not depict violence, pornography and/or question the morality of people, places or institutions.

12 – Responsibility

The Monte-Carlo Photo Contest Secretariat reserves the right to modify these rules and postpone or cancel the competition.

Monte-Carlo Photo Contest is a registered trademark.

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